Privacy settings

The Center of Jamaican Culture & Development does not actively gather or process any of your personally identifiable data, nor do we transfer any of these to third parties. All of the data which is passively recorded by our web server is treated in accordance with the GDPR and is only used to provide you with an optimal display of the website's content.

If you like you can read our detailed privacy policy below, that allows you to adjust settings concerning your personal data selectively

Just like the following one: By keeping the following box checked, you will allow us to set a cookie saving your chosen language and privacy settings. On your next visit you will not be bothered with this information, but proceed to the main page right away. Of course, all settings can still be modified later on.

General privacy policy

The Center of Jamaican Culture & Development had given high priority to responsibly handling the personally identifiable information of our customers and any of our website's visitors, even before the European General Data Protection Regulation came into effect.

A processing of your data for advertising purposes, or their transfer to third parties, is contradictory to the basic principles of our philosophy.

The following information will provide you with a simple summary of what happens with your personally identifiable information when visiting our website. Personally identifiable information is any information that can be used to identify you.

Who is responsible for this website's data acquisition?

This website's data acquisition is carried out by the website owner, the Center of Jamaican Culture & Development, who's contact data can be found in this website's imprint.

How to contact us in cases of unclear issues or questions regarding privacy?

We are obliged to provide you with all information concerning the handling of your data in as simple terms as possible.

If anything remains unclear to you, do not hesitate and contact us immediately! We will not only assist you, but you will also help us to improve our communication!

Just send an email to, or contact us by post or phone, via the contact information found in our imprint.

What are your legal rights concerning your data?

You are entitled, at any time, to obtain all information about the origin, recipient and purpose of processing of your recorded data, free of charge. Furthermore, you have the right to demand for the correction of your stored data and the blocking or deletion of such. For these purposes, send an email to, or contact us by post or phone, via the contact information found in our imprint. Moreover, you have the right of appeal to a competent supervisory authority.

How do we record your data?

The Center of Jamaican Culture & Development records the data you actively provide us with. For example, this can be data which you enter into a contact form.

Other data is automatically recorded by our IT systems when visiting our website. This is mainly technical data (e.g. internet browser, operating system or time of request).

Server log files

Our website's provider automatically records and saves data retrieved from your browser in so called server log files, These include:

  • Type and version of your browser
  • Operating system
  • Referrer URL
  • Hostname of the client computer
  • Time of your request
  • IP-Address

A merge of this data with other data sources will not be carried out, unless there is a reasonable suspicion of a malicious use or an attack on our website. This information is mainly of statistic nature.

For instance, our provider displays your IP-Address in pseudonymous form only.

This particular processing of your data is in accordance with art. 6 par. 1 point(f) GDPR, "processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller".

Why do we store automatically collected data?

A part of the automatically collected data is used to faultlessly provide our visitors with our website's content.

For example, from our server log files we can retrieve information on which browsers are most frequently used by our visitors . One browser may reproduce given web content a bit differently than a next browser. If there's an error on our website, we have the chance to eliminate it first for the most common browsers, to make the content faultlessly available to a maximum number of users in minimum time.

In case of an abusive use or cyber-attacks on our website, we can use this information in accordance with article 17 par. 3 point(e) GDPR, "for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims".

How do we use data you provide us with?

Data which you enter into a contact form, as well as the request's date and time, will on the one hand be read by us, simply to answer your request. On the other hand, this data will be stored by us for the period of a month, for our own safety.

This happens in accordance with article 6 par. 1 point (f) GDPR "processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller".

Malevolent people could use our contact form excessively with the malicious intent to bombard us with senseless requests (SPAM). This is why Center of Jamaican Culture & Development reserves the right to cross-check this data with our server log files, in case of a reasonable suspicion of an abusive use or an attack on our website, to be able to take countermeasures. In accordance with the principle of data minimisation, this data will be automatically deleted after one month. If you want to obtain an earlier deletion of your data, please send an email to, or contact us by mail or phone, via the contact data given in our imprint. Please understand that, in case of a reasonable suspicion of a malicious use of the contact form or an attack on our website, we can refuse a deletion of this data in accordance with article 17 par. 3 point(e) GDPR, "for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims". You are free to appeal to a competent supervisory authority.

Separately from your personally identifiable information, we process the content of your requests statistically. Therefor we reduce the requests' content to keywords and store these completely without any personally identifiable information. If we notice certain keywords frequently occurring, we can conclude that a corresponding matter has not been explained sufficiently, and improve the aspect. Later on, this data can be used to create an F.A.Q-page. This is a page answering frequently asked questions, which saves us and our visitors time and efforts.

Safety of your data

The Center of Jamaican Culture & Development has a duty of diligence towards your data and takes it very seriously. We make use of all technical means available to optimally protect your data. Nevertheless, we have to point out, that online data transmission can have vulnerabilities. It is not possible to protect any data completely against access by third parties

SSL- and TLS-Encryption

For security reasons, this website uses SSL- and TLS-Encryption to protect the transmission of confidential data, such as orders or requests that you send to us. An encrypted connection to the server can be recognized by your browser's address bar switching from “http://“ to “https://“ and by the appearing padlock symbol in your browser's status bar. When SSL and TLS-Encryption is enabled, data you transmit to us cannot be read by third parties.


In accordance with article 32 par. 1 point(c) GDPR,the Center of Jamaican Culture & Development is obliged to ensure "the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident".

In case of our provider having a technical problem leading to a loss of data, we have to store backup files of all data from our server on a company's computer, regularly. We store backup files depending on the amount of data, at least once a month.

As soon as the current backup has been saved, the preceding one will be deleted.

On the one hand, this means for you that if you accidentally delete a design from your sketchbook, it can possibly be recovered from the backup files.
On the other hand, if you delete e.g. all of your personally identifiable information, a copy of this data will still be stored on one of our company's computers to the maximum of a month. As soon as the next backup is saved, this data disappears for good. If you desire an immediate cancellation or correction of your data, you must explicitly express that your data should be processed in the backup files, too. The Center of Jamaican Culture & Development has provided a technical solution to this.

In both cases, make a specific request, by an email to, or contact us by mail or phone, via the contact data given in our imprint. In principle, such a request and the following steps carried out by us are free of charge. In the event of obviously unreasonable or excessive requests, the Center of Jamaican Culture & Development is entitled to either turn down the request, or to ask for an appropriate compensation for the service. (Article 12, par. 5 point (a) and (b), GDPR)

Sessions and cookies

Our website stores data to identify current visitors during the time of their visit, in the form of session variables.

What this is all about, will be briefly explained in the following: While you're reading this text, our server is storing only one personal session variable, namely the language version you chose at the beginning of your visit. This enables our server to provide you with all content in that language, without the necessity of asking you over and over again to choose a language version on every page you visit. If you accept the privacy policy, this information will be stored as a session variable, too. For the following reason:

The Center of Jamaican Culture & Development is obliged to verify that every visitor of our website is presented with our privacy policy and informed about his legal rights. Moreover, we have to verify that the visitor accepts our privacy policy prior to further steps. This is referred to in article 13 GDPR, "Information to be provided where personal data are collected from the data subject" . It is not sufficient to put the privacy policy at the start of the website. A visitor could link a part of our website, e.g. the gallery. Subsequently, a person following that link would not be provided with the privacy policy. That is why every page of our website requests information from the session variable on whether the privacy policy has been accepted by the current visitor. If this is not the case, the visitor will be proceeded to the starting page.

Especially when using a public computer or sharing a computer with others, you're exposed to the threat of a so called "Session-Hijacking". In this hacking technique, an attacker reads out the session identification data from the computer and requests the website again. By this, the attacker gets access to your sketchbook
To avoid this, always log out!

After three hours, the session will automatically expire and all data will be deleted. Closing the browser should normally have the same effect, too. All data relevant to security will be deleted.

To start a session, our website has to save a so called cookie on your device. In the past, cookies have acquired a bad reputation. However, the focus of criticism is on "third party cookies", or "tracking cookies", set by third parties to analyze the users surfing-behavior. The Center of Jamaican Culture & Development sets only one own "authentication cookies", containing only one single identification number, by which your browser is assigned its session. Moreover you have the option to set a cookie saving your settings. These will enable the website to proceed you to the mainpage immediately.

Transfer of your data to third parties

As stated in the beginning, the Center of Jamaican Culture & Development does not transfer your data to third parties.

However, without our involvement, following third parties can acquire knowledge of your visit to our website:


When you get to our website via a link provided by a third party, the third party can possibly find out, that you clicked that particular link and thus visited our website. The same goes for links on our website. When following a link on our website, our website's address will be stored in the server log files of the linked website as "Referrer-URL". The website's owner will get knowledge of your prior visit of our website.

By the way, you can avoid this by not clicking a link but rather copying and pasting it into a new tab's address bar...

Google Web Fonts

To guarantee a uniform display of font-faces, this website uses so called Web Fonts, made available by Google. When opening a page, your browser will load the required Web Fonts into your browser's cache, to display texts and font-faces correctly.. For this purpose, your browser has to establish a connection with Google's servers. By this, Google will get to know that your IP-Address has visited our website.

The use of Google Web Fonts is carried out in the interest of a uniform and appealing display of our web content. This is a legitimate interest in accordance with article 6 par. 1 point (f) GDPR. If your browser does not support web fonts, one of your browsers default fonts will be used to display the content.

Further information on Google Web Fonts can be found here and in Google's privacy policy:

If you haven't accepted our privacy policy yet, or disabled Google Fonts, this text will naturally be displayed to you without the use of Google Web Fonts. Fonts that will load from our server will be used. This can be a bit slower,

Facebook-Plugins (Like & Share-Button)

Our website uses plug-ins made available by the social network Facebook, operator:

Facebook Inc.,
1 Hacker Way,
Menlo Park,
California 94025,

The Facebook-Plug-ins can be recognized by the Facebook-Logo or the "Like-Button" on our website.

An overview of the Facebook-Plug-ins can be found here:

When visiting a page of our website, the plug-in will establish a connection between your browser and Facebook's servers. By this, Facebook will get to know that your IP-Address has visited our website. When clicking the Facebook "Like-Button" while being logged into your Facebook-Account, content of our website can be linked to your Facebook-Profile. By this, Facebook can assign your visit to our website to your user account . We point out that we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted to Facebook and how they will be processed.

Further information can be found in Facebook's privacy policy: If you don't want Facebook to assign your visit to our website to your user account, log out from your Facebook-Account.


Our website uses plug-ins made available by the website YouTube, ran by Google. The website's operator is:

YouTube, LLC,
901 Cherry Ave.,
San Bruno, CA 94066,

When visiting a page of our website, equipped with a YouTube plug-in, a connection with YouTube's servers will be established. By this, YouTube will get to know that your IP-Address has visited our website. When you're logged into your YouTube-Account at the same time, you enable YouTube, to assign your surfing-behavior to your personal profile. You can avoid this by logging out from your YouTube-Account. The use of YouTube is carried out in the interest of a uniform and appealing display of our web content. This is a legitimate interest in accordance with article 6 par. 1 point (f) GDPR. You can find further information on the handling of users' data in YouTube's privacy policy:


In accordance with article 30, GDPR, the Center of Jamaican Culture & Development is obliged to maintain records of all processing activities and make the record available to the supervisory authority on request. In these records, all processing of our visitor's personally identifiable information must be documented.

Right of revocation

You can revoke the accepting of our privacy policy at any time. For this purpose, make a specific request, by an email to, or contact us by mail or phone, via the contact data given in our imprint.


You've chosen the English language to display the website's content. This and all other settings can be modified at any time. Just click the symbol shown on the right.
Please, take some time now to read our privacy policy.